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You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining.  You make progress by implementing ideas." Shirley H. Chisholm

My first memorable encounter with inequity in education was a result of my mom advocating for me to be transferred out of my zone school Prospect Heights HS to attend ”a better school” Midwood HS. Her request for my transfer was repeatedly denied. My mom persisted by dropping by the office of our Congresswoman, Shirley H. Chisholm, and she agreed to meet with my mom.  My mom shared her request, the Congresswoman made one phone call, and our request was granted. I was transferred to Midwood HS and given the opportunity to obtain a quality education. 


As a senior at Midwood, I was encouraged to attend Medgar Evers Community College. My mom was taking evening classes at Pace University, and she knew that I would obtain a better education at Pace.  Pace accepted me with conditions that I pass Fund Eng100 1 & 2 with a C or better, I passed with a B. 


Pace University gave me an opportunity to achieve! The education obtained at Pace University challenged and equipped me with leadership skills to succeed in business and to serve in communities. 


In 2018, I enrolled in the University of Richmond’s Master of Nonprofit Studies program. As I journeyed through the program with a focus on the impact of nonprofits on education in underserved communities, I realized what I perceived to be an achievement gap turns out to be a symptom of an opportunity gap. I am committed and prepared to narrow and close opportunity gaps to increase achievement and systemic change in underserved communities.


- Gwen Douglas, Founder

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